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FCU EuroLAB students will have their review held on this Friday for Advance Design course. We have invited Prof. Juan Rey Rey as our guest jury. It is indeed our pleasure to have Prof. Rey with us for the review session.

More information about Prof. Rey:

Ph.D. M.Sc. Civil Engineer with 18 years of experience in structural engineering consultancy. Since 2005 founder & CEO of Mecanismo Structural Engineering: over 1.000 projects completed, having worked in projects in over 30 countries in 4 continents with architects such as Sir Norman Foster, MVRDV, Peter Eisenman, Sir David Adjaye, etc. Some of these projects have received over 50 national and international Architecture Awards and have been published in more than 50 different books and journals.

< design by Inés Martin-Roldán >

Currently part-time Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Technical University of Madrid. Over 10 years of teaching experience, including Schools of Architecture of the University of Virginia (USA), University at Buffalo (USA), The Cooper Union (USA), Universidad Pontificia (Spain) or University of Vigo (Spain).

Member of the Executive Council of the International Association of Structures and Architecture (IASA). Member of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) and Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural (ACHE). Member of the Working Group “GT5/8” of ACHE.

Over 25 lectures at national and international conferences and more than 25 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in international journals and conference proceedings. His main area of research is related to the boundaries between structural engineering and architecture.

4月24日馬德里時間上午十一點,EuroLAB的進階設計課(Advance Design I)將舉行期中Review,學生們將一一發表他們的設計,我們特地請來 Prof. Juan Rey Rey 擔任客座評審。

Rey教授在學術和建築工程領域都有深厚的經驗,擁有18年結構工程顧問的經驗,他所經營的公司<Mecanismo Structural Engineering> 團隊完成超過一千個跨國專案,足跡遍佈四大洲、30個國家,更曾經和Sir Norman Foster, MVRDV, Peter Eisenman, Sir David Adjaye等名建築師一同合作。

Prof. Juan Rey Rey 所參與過的專案得獎無數,國內外獎項總數超過50座,更多Prof. Rey的介紹,請詳見上方英文介紹,我們期待學生們都可以拿出最好的表現,精彩展現所學!

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